
Bible Study and Prayer Fellowship

Every Wednesday 8pm – Upper Room (new building)

The Bible Study and Prayer Fellowship meets to study the Bible and to pray for people within the congregation and beyond. Up to 40 people meet each Wednesday.

The group prays at every meeting for Mission at home, including that within our own congregation and also Mission overseas, including PCI (Presbyterian Church in Ireland) Missionaries.

At a recent meeting, a member of our congregation testified of how she had recently come to faith in Christ and how God had been with her through illness and surgery in hospital. This brought tremendous encouragement to those who heard her story and emphasized the importance of both individual and corporate prayer.

The group recognise how vital prayer is, both individual and corporate in the life of the congregation. There is real power in prayer and when God’s people pray, things do happen!

Home Groups

Starting September 2018

During the Spring we trialled two home groups meeting in the homes of our members and attended by a wide range of ages. We followed a study called Essentials written by the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Everyone enjoyed the course and getting to know each other in an informal setting.

More information will be posted here when details are available for the home groups this September.

Choir & Praise Group

Thursdays 8pm – Upper Room (new building)

The main activity of the Choir & Praise Group is to glorify God through praise and worship.

Up to 25 people regularly meet for practice and fellowship. Some of the choir are also members of the Praise Group, which has introduced a number of new pieces to our worship. We also have some very talented musicians.

All members of the Choir are members of Moira Presbyterian. Some may have attended other churches in the past and bring with them their experience and advice.

The Choir took part in Moira’s Big Weekend last summer. This meant singing with the combined choirs of 4 other churches in Moira. The choir enjoyed this experience and has helped them get to know believers from other churches in Moira.

The Choir has also held Christmas and Easter praise concerts under the guidance of Sam Brockbank, as Musical Director. The choir felt blessed to have been involved in these concerts and were encouraged by the positive feed back from the audiences.

The Choir would love to see new members coming to join them, so if you enjoy singing please consider getting involved.

Men’s Fellowship

Events throughout the year

The Mens’ Fellowship exists to promote fellowship amongst men of all ages through organising events and activities. Past events have included tours of Crumlin Road Gaol, the Kingspan Stadium and just yesterday the National Football Stadium (on screen). They have also watched a range of events together such as the 6 Nations Rugby and FA Cup Final.

There is also a number of cyclists meeting each month to cycle and a group of footballers to play each Tuesday evening in Maghaberry.

Up to 25 men attend each event and at least 3 are not currently members of Moira Presbyterian or any other church. Some have become more involved in other Church activities and some have volunteered with the initiative at Higher Ground café in Moira, ‘who let the dads out’.

All men are very welcome to attend.

Friday Prayer Meeting

Every Friday 7:30am – Church Cafe

Every Friday morning a small group gathers to pray for the church and the Moira community. Open to everyone who wants to pray for others.

PW – Presbyterian Women

Monthly meetings & events

PW aims to provide an opportunity for women to have fellowship with one another and to seek to win women for Jesus Christ. Up to 40 women attend the meeting each month and occasional events and outings.

Usually all attending are from Moira Presbyterian but visitors or friends also attend depending on the speaker or topic covered.

PW supports both local and global missions financially and prayerfully. This includes:

  • Moira Presbyterian – especially  the work of the Sunday School
  • PCI deaconesses working in congregations, prisons, hospitals and communities
  • PCI Missionaries in Ireland and other countries
  • Missionary organisations/causes represented by our speakers

Money is raised for these mostly through catering. PW also provides hospitality and catering for various events, usually funerals and conferences.

Young at Heart

Wednesdays – Monthly (October to May)

Young at Heart is a group for men and women aged 60 and over. They meet 8 times a year on a Wednesday afternoon from October to May and enjoy occasional outings. Around 25 people attend each meeting, mainly from Moira Presbyterian.

Guest speakers each month cover a range of subjects such as home safety (NI Fire & Rescue Service), gardening, Ulster Scots history, and Christian subjects such as local and international missionary work.

The Young at Heart group was started by Bert Cooper and his wife Ruby 7 years ago. Then 3 years ago Benny Lyness, May Lyness and Ruby Dunlop took over leading the group, with a small subcommittee to help plan the programme.

With the new building and mission statement, they recognise that church has moved into a new phase with new possibilities for widening the reach of the group into the community and are keen to welcome new ideas.



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